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Home Industries & services Telecommunications and new technologies (TMT)

The issue of threats related to the storage of confidential and relevant data is becoming more and more important, and technology companies are increasingly giving up ready-made hardware or software in favor of mobile software or "cloud computing" services, that is technology platforms or applications shared by many customers.

The number of cyber risks (including the risk of data breaches) also increases significantly, and the types of liability associated with activities in the TMT industry multiply with the emergence of new forms of communication.

BTTN has the necessary knowledge and experience to enable in-depth analyzes and design of optimal solutions that allow our clients to fully understand the risk profile of their business, effectively manage threats and, as a consequence, make informed business decisions in this regard. Only a full understanding of how the risk management program works can reduce operational costs and reduce risk exposure for the organization and the entire business.

Only a full understanding of how the risk management program works can reduce operational costs and reduce risk exposure for the organization and the entire business.